
We are a small family-owned business. When you support us, you truly are supporting the little guy. All mushrooms are harvested, when in season by hand. We use only fresh fruiting bodies in our tinctures.

Most tincture companies utilize Mycelium, which is grown in a lab in a blend of some sort of mushroom substrate. Often brown rice. You are really getting a tincture polluted with whatever substrate they are using. There is no way to separate the mycelium from the substrate.

Most companies do the alcohol extraction and then use the exact same mushrooms for the water extraction. We use separate fresh mushrooms for both extractions. Why?

Because some research suggests that high-proof alcohol destroys the water-soluble polysaccharides, so it doesn’t make sense to use the same alcohol extracted and pressed mushrooms in the decoction (Water Extraction). (Hobbs, 1986).

We use fresh mushrooms for each extraction. Making our tinctures some of the highest quality and purest available. Harvested from a diverse selection of trees and locations. Meaning our turkey tails where literally hand harvest from hundreds of different fallen trees from a 25-mile range of Caddel mountain.

Many companies use mushrooms grown in China. All the mushrooms we use are harvested within a 25-mile radius of my home; atop of Caddel Mountain in West Virginia. 100% wild harvested American mushrooms.

Harvested from a diverse selection of trees and locations. Meaning our turkey tails where literally hand harvest from hundreds of different fallen trees from a 25-mile range of Caddel mountain.

Getting everything nature has to offer from a diverse ecology.

Artisanal Small Batch Mushroom Tincture

I only produce 2500 bottles of 2oz wild harvested tincture a year. Every mushroom is handpicked, then dried, and then formulated into a dual extraction tincture. Organic Alcohol and Spring Water extractions. I only use three ingredients in my tinctures: Organic alcohol and wild sustainably harvested mushrooms with local spring water. Nothing else.

Our immunity blend is an extraction and blend of 4 powerful mushrooms.

  • Turkey Tail,
  • Reishi
  • Maitake
  • Lion’s Mane

There is significant research proving the power of these mushrooms.

My wife and I have been using our extracts for over 10 years and can personally attest to their immunity strengthening qualities.

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