
Mushroom descriptions and resources.

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor)

Turkey tail mushrooms are medicinal mushrooms. You can find them all around the world, mostly in wooded areas since they grow on tree trunks. Research suggests that mushrooms like turkey tails may have many health benefits.

Turkey Tail very close to my house.

For a deeper look:

For a deeper look at Turkey Tail Mushrooms here are some great links.

Turkey Tail Mushroom, Its Look-Alikes, & Medicinal Benefits with Adam Haritan – YouTube

Turkey Tail Mushroom | Medicine Making, ID, Harvest, and More – YouTube

Reishi Mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum):

Reishi Mushrooms

For a deeper look:

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma tsugae) Identification And Medicinal Benefits With Adam Haritan – YouTube

Maitake Mushrooms (Grifola frondose)

Maitake mushrooms grow in temperate hardwood forests where they feed upon the dead roots of older trees, in particular oaks but also elms and occasionally maples (Stamets, 2013). They are polypore mushrooms, meaning they have pores or tubes on the underside, as opposed to gills. Maitake grow as masses of small brownish-gray, fan-shaped caps fused onto a single, branching stalk. Hobbs (1998) describes poetically that the “fan-shaped fruiting bodies overlap like butterflies in a wild dance,” also noting that they earned their hen-of-the-woods moniker because they look a chicken with her feathers all fluffed up. Really fluffed up—maitake can easily reach a foot in diameter, and some are 20 pounds or more!

One of the first Maitake I ever found. Now I collect over 40 pounds of them a year!

For a deeper look:

Hen Of The Woods (Maitake, Sheep’s Head) Mushroom Identification & Health Benefits with Adam Haritan – YouTube

Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)

Lion’s Mane. First one I ever found!

For a deeper look:

Lion’s Mane Mushroom: What You Should Know – Herbal Academy (

Lion’s Mane — 5 Years In A Row! – YouTube